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Reseller Hosting Pricing Changed
Jul 30 2009
We have lowered our reseller webhosting pricing! Everyone's amount of bandwidth and other features have stayed the same but the price got lowered. Also nice discounts have been applied to quarterly/bi-annual/annual payment options! If you wish to change billing cycle, please contact helpdesk.
Existing reseller accounts with quarterly/bi-annual/annual billing have had free hosting months added to their billing cycle according to pre-paid hosting.
We have also made a discount coupon TENOFF which gives $10 discount for new reseller hosting signups. It is valid until August 31st 2009.
New prices can be seen at http://polarwebservices.com/hosting.php?spt=10
Existing reseller accounts with quarterly/bi-annual/annual billing have had free hosting months added to their billing cycle according to pre-paid hosting.
We have also made a discount coupon TENOFF which gives $10 discount for new reseller hosting signups. It is valid until August 31st 2009.
New prices can be seen at http://polarwebservices.com/hosting.php?spt=10